
Conditions of Use

Information about contents

All texts, contents and images published on this portal are property of UMinho and cannot be reproduced or modified without prior consent, except for educational purposes, research or personal use. In these cases the source must be specified.

UMinho reserves the right to modify at any time the information and commercial offer presented about: products, pricing, promotions, commercial conditions and services.

It is strictly forbidden to use links of this portal, regardless of the intended use, without prior authorization from UMinho. The use of the domain with abusive ends and without prior authorization may be subject to appeal to competent legal means by UMinho. In the event of finding in other websites links that will allow access to , we inform that UMinho has no responsibility about the provenience of the page or on the content included therein.

Domain Ownership

The domain is covered by the "Rules for Registration of Domain Names. PT".

Purpose and Scope

These General Conditions of Contract and Use apply to visitors and/or costumers and any commercial transactions conducted through the online store available at

The navigation at as well as the purchase of any goods or services implies acceptance of these General Conditions of Contract and Use.

UMinho reserves the right to change these General Conditions of Contract and Use without notice, any changes being published on the portal

Disclaimer / Limitation of Liability

All goods and services sold at site are in accordance with Portuguese legislation.

UMinho accepts no responsibility in the event of infringement of the legislation of the country where the order is delivered. The customer should verify next to the authorities of his country the possibility to import and use the products that he intends to order.

UMinho is not responsible for losses due to interference, interruptions, computer viruses, faults or disconnections of the operating system that can stop, temporarily, the navigation or the provision of goods or services to customers.

Privacy and Protection of Personal Data

In compliance with Act No. 67/98 of 26 October with the changes that were introduced by Rectification No. 22/98 of 28 November, on Portuguese Protection of Personal Data, we inform that processing of personal data collected in portal  is of UMinho’s responsibility.

The data collected on this portal are intended for processing orders and to communicate with customers, processing information requests, eventual complaints and statistical analysis.
UMinho guarantees the confidentiality of any data supplied by its customers.

All clients have the right of access and rectification of their data, safeguarding invoices/receipts issued.

Cookie Policy

Learn about our  portal use of cookies policy.

Online shop

To make purchases through the site  is required to register as a customer by completing the form available online. Once registered, simply enter the virtual shopping cart all the items you wish to purchase. You must follow all the steps of purchase so that it be successfully completed.

The purchase order validation implies that the customer becomes aware and accepts, expressly, the General Conditions of Contract and Use, available for consultation on the portal Data registered by UMinho constitute proof of all the transactions between UMinho and customer.

UMinho is responsible for archiving electronic documents (invoice/receipt) that formalizes the purchase agreement and keep it available.

It is customer's responsibility to provide, for billing purposes, a correct fiscal number.

The correct indication of customer data for the purposes of registration and billing are the sole responsibility of the customer. UMinho is not responsible for any errors that may result from inaccurate information provided by the customer, particularly in the issuance of tax documents which are not susceptible to cancellation after issued. If you do not indicate the tax identification number you will be considered as final consumer (non-taxable person).


The purchase of trading goods and services in UMinho may be paid by one of the following methods:

• ATM Reference (Multibanco /Home Banking)
• Visa
• MasterCard

We do not accept exchanges and/or returns on online purchases, except in case of the event suffer any changes or cancelled.